Friday, June 3, 2011

Application Mfc Stopped Working

French + feet with the addition of crown

1. Already a few people have asked me to paint what meile I use for painting, then ...
- I use acrylic paints Polycolor:)! are the best!
second A lot of people have asked me in August if I am doing a french .. heheheh ..
- No clear that I do, but at the time of going to school I did not have time to do it, because Baccalaureate, etc. She personally prefer something more crazy than the French, but sometimes I have attacks on peaceful frencha (pictures below:)
third And one last thing ... I am very pleased that more and more people look a my blog and commenting. Oczwiscie happen and these individuals, which criticize, but this is ridiculous. Yours friend who says that it had no publication because the collage of photos can you do everyone: D I refer to the newspaper. You can buy me a bigger Emipkach.

and feet .. me because I denerwwał odpryskujący paint;)

Aaaaa and yet I found the French mini-PC on natural pazurkach:)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Commercial Coleslaw Dressing That Are Available

Gel (pajęczynka) and neon paint

I would like to show how easily and fast, homemade, can be to make an impressive decoration for nails, which can resemble a spider web or lace.

first color gel (I've used white)
second olive
third slippery surface (I've used T-shirts to sheets)
4th flat brush
5th UV lamp

first We shirt on A4 sheets. To me it was more convenient to put the lights, hustle and a t-shirt spiel on the sides.
second Olive smear a small area (the one on which we wanted to get our pajęczynkę). Of course, we will remove excess oliwiki rather np.chusteczka rubbed on the surface of the selected piece. We do this in such a way that does not wipe the whole olives! ;)
third brush dipped in a white gel and rapid movements of the paint on the greasy surface. WARNING! very thin layer of gel pajeczynke do so thin that there will be miniature dots, and this is not what we expect. However, a thick layer in general not be disposed of in pajęczynke! But it's safe, you can correct a few times and masac in all places:)!
4th Once you satisfaction with our effect pajęczynki quickly put a UV lamp, because if we wait even longer to pajeczynka will be changed to the detriment! (In the lamp should leave it for 120 sec)
5th After two minutkach take out our folijke, or t-shirt and READY!
6th Pajęczynkę can wipe cleaner of course, but if you do not wipe, it's better to pazurka przylegnie:) And then we cut the best and the best bits! GOOD LUCK! :) PS

is a decoration, which belongs to sink in gel or acrylic!

I think that decorating with this pajęczynki may be more impressive than mine, that are zamieszone below, but next time will be better! :)

How was something that did not own, is glad to answer any questions ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Roots Dyed Different Color

NEW bulging 'PUPA'

have enough of cracking paint, but for my birthday so I got tested, P
Prices, unfortunately, I do not know.

Company: PUPA

the back of the boxes are instructions on how to impose the varnishes. Is the base impose more or less wait 4 minutki, then pekacy pink and wait about 5 seconds ..
in the box are two colors of paint.
White - the base and pink - bulging.

White has some awkward or strange konstystencje brush .. I do not know .. but very hard to impose. Not at me.

Splits as in the picture:

Compared to finish Claire's, about whom I wrote in THIS scrap faster splits, making it harder malu August and you perform more rapid movements .. I do not know if I reach the practice would not put a thick coating in some miejsach because it's almost unreal: D

and in the end I might add .....

PAINTS crackin look more flashily ONLY AWAY, DO NOT CLOSE-UP:)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ati_radeon Xddm 614106606

first publication in the newspaper 'Akadamia Nail'

took part in the competition Fri 'An unusual decorating living room on short nails' and despite failing to express any place, my nails have appeared in every newspaper in the other claws of other people. I'm przeszczesliwa. Such a 'small' for a nice one:)

and behold, the claws of approximately:):

That was my interpretation of this theme of the competition, even though you know everyone interpreted it differently:) It worked, such decorating, because I knew that this can not be French, because surely it is unusual to be decorating, so I will help me with this glitter .. no glitter but also selects a number of clients so I took the view it can not be a brocade, and quite a few crisp, bold colors. And lest it was sad was formed costae :)
decorating is not everyday? IS
short fingernails? ARE

Friday, May 13, 2011

Spider Bite Piercing Scars

ring and earrings from clay


So recently I decided I'll try to do with the clay ring, but rather just a rose, which later trailer ... (I had a ring with some one in the eye so I made a rose from the bottom of a hole, I gave a little glue gun and dokleilam rose to the ring - holding on to stone), generally from the top ring I think it looks decent, but the side so weird .. no le the other hand, who I will be watched by all parties hehe: P

I made also for their work in the fast three piercings, because all sold out earlier and nothing has been mni. So these will not give: D!

Intercede a picture of how they look on my ears:)

If someone were to want, I can perform a similar earrings to order.
colors that are available:

PRICE per pair: 5 zł 5 zł + postage
wiekszejilosci purchased at par price dogadania:)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Magic Gathering Calculate Mana Curve

Earrings - floral

earrings to order:

Sorry bad pictures because I made a phone: (my camera does not work. Constantly shows the battery is weak, and I have tried already with millions of new battery. I do not know what is going on, but something I felt I already do not serve, So it is not good .. my brother's remains to the camera but the camera also temporarily lack of ... all as if to spite .. eh ....

run out of all those high school and I'm up for a claw
.. haha, no feel the rhyme: d

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dry Heaves Causes Morning

Proverbs of knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Is It Normal To Get Wet Alot

bulging or nail polish lacquer crackle! Decoupage and they

bulging black paint I bought from the company Claire's. It cost 18 zł. I do not regret one bit, because it is wonderful!) Just any old paint color paint, the best of the brightest, then the claws look more spectacular.

present my nails neon pink (Golden Rose No. 324)

and a darker pink, probably my favorite;) (Golden Rose No. 307)

+ almost nothing distinct another shade of pink (Magic Visage GLAMOUR).
All are different, unfortunately, pic does not show this effect. And all this with photos taken phone: (

At the end, 3 nail a different color. White and red came out okay, but purple when I was trying to do some sort of waves of varnish is cracked completely different ... and how can you understand it: D

And now I present this magical Paint:):

looks like a normal black lacquer, the paint looks so well, but apply it is not so simple and have not yet sensed the end. It takes a lot of accuracy and precision. The only thing I can say is that the paint dries very quickly and you can not correct him only once, and to paint already. There have already invaded the place painted. The thin layer does the most beautiful cracks. However, a thick layer also makes an interesting, but already 'black spots' are larger. With me on the set you can see where the nail was thicker and the thinner the layer where;)

How Do U Make Somone Fall Asleep Presure Point


love beads, beads, pendants, earrings, bracelets, everything artificial and real, all that gold, silver or cloths:) colors all over the world ... and I have a few caskets of my trinkets, no just SOME .... so I had to find a way to make up some two! ... because I do those to the new YET ready (the fiance but OLD) bedrooms are not gonna fit! ... So was a box of beads, the second I have to buy much larger and rectangular duuuuuuużo to squeeze everything on the dresser, and beautifully put, and never never look at 199 caskets of bronze beads :)... I'm afraid, however, two boxes are not wystatrczą ... sigh ... any ideas on how to locate a single square meter jewelry chest ?:).... or how to tell Lubemu that we need one more dresser:)

aaaaaaaaaa Easter gifts since I have witnessed the establishment in August with me for good, they look coolest, groom not asked! ... Unless accepted and admired women of their madness, or is it my mother in law, but I admire!)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wanting To Urinate After The Morning After Pill


recently had occasion to try decoupage technique (read dekupaż). Here are results:

the colored earrings:)

and floral

and at the end of one stroke
She rose to be alone but I suffered and myself I started to paint and paint .. nothing holds together, a great massacre, but that's tough: D

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Connection Of Fan Regulator To Phase And Neautral

And when they fall into the guests ...

... it'll be ready, at least I will have a napkin:) ... a time ago I got the rings, I had to take up for these napkins, but wish it was not because it's simple, no frenzy, no ass breaks, but all in all a nice effect:) ... not enough entries, I have a condition XXI age .... NO TIME and cold and still work without a free man because the boss, but rather her deputy is not such an: P but now wooolne is ... tomorrow will be tea on the terrace and barbecue, and will even curse the weather and I will plant flowers in the garden oh! Of course the offices also soar, of course! from the window to window, door to door, another door handles and Mrs. CMOK clerk of the eyes of Lord Wader and her friend Hogata aka Helga, uh ... can arrange something:) spring comes it can not be Hogata had bad day:)