Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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The problems on the trains and São Paulo subway

Today, 21/9/10, was more a problem in Metro-SP.

With that occurred in the CPTM trains, are twelve in just two months .

The chaos of today (click here for reading matter in T1), second Governor of the State of São Paulo, Alberto Goldman, was caused by a shirt that caught the closing of the doors , paralyzing the entire system.

The governor said it is strange that this has occurred and left the air a chance to tamper with electoral purposes.

Let's review the facts in a rational way:
1. Does the subway system so fragile and so insecure that is unable to react to locking a door, leading to paralysis of the entire system, drawing the ire of users with the consequent depletion of vehicles?

2. If it was an act of sabotage - for electoral purposes - must have been a single event. Was it? The answer is not . This was the 12th incident in the CPTM trains and the Metro-SP, in just two months.

3. It is plausible that militants from opposition parties to the current state government have succeeded in a series of twelve interventions in the subway system to undermine the candidate government's SP? If it is, is because the system is very vulnerable. Or not?

4. If we consider only the reported incidents from August to September this year, the average problem is one every 3.6 days. Is it credible that a political party is needed to generate this frequency of problems?

5. Matter of UOL reports each of these twelve issues and informs the causes of each one of them (click here ): Failure to supply electric power (several); traction problems, equipment failure at the station Paradise; invasion of truck on level crossing; problems in ports, poor signage; ray on track.

Apparently there fortuitous causes and problems related to inefficient management for emergencies when the problem occurs.

In a phrase: no contingency plans!

As a result, each time a problem occurs, CPTM and Metro-SP are unable to react to minimize damage and avoid chaos. It's that simple.

Speaking sabotage for electoral purposes is to underestimate our intelligence too.

José Augusto Valente - Technical Director T1


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