Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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Road accidents: Leaf confusion (and the Globe) on the theme followed

Folha de Sao Paulo published recently (20 / 9) - and O Globo on Sunday (26) - story about accidents with and unsubstantiated conclusions that deserve a more technical analysis on such delicate matters.

I have written on this subject shows, reasoning that there is a mistake in addressing this issue by making a high correlation between accidents and deaths on roads with roads in poor condition or low investments in construction and maintenance.

The latest scientific study on the subject of the IPEA is in agreement with the DENATRAN, whose results were released in 2006 (data 2004 and 2005). Since then, unfortunately, no systematic study was conducted.

This study aimed to estimate the costs of road accidents, both on highways and in the federal and state data showed the following objectives:

• The better the conditions of roads, the greater the amount and cost of road accidents. This is natural, because the roads where the big volumes of traffic, the greater the likelihood of accidents.

• The state highways are Paul is considered the best in the country. However, lead the rankings of the annual cost of accidents, with $ 3.3 billion. Secondly, is the set of federal highways in the Southeast (SP, MG, RJ and ES), with $ 2.4 billion. Then the state highways of Minas Gerais, with $ 1.9 billion, the federal do Sul (RS, SC, PR), with $ 1.6 billion, and net state of Paraná, with $ 1.2 billion.

• The total annual cost of accidents on county roads, state and federal reach a value of $ 22.0 billion, while municipal and state in the net cost $ 15.5 billion, almost 70% the total cost.

• In federal highways, the flattened pedestrians (pictured) accounted for 19.2% of the fatalities, second only to frontal impact, with 24.6%. The components of human behavior and contributed to 58.3% of accidents. Since the road conditions contributed to only 3.4%.

• 65.5% of the accidents occurred with the good weather conditions. In broad daylight, there were 53.9% of them. The conditions under which tracing was recorded occurred mostly in straight lines, with 72.4%.

• The highest number of incidents occurred on weekends and in the months December, January and July.

• 51% of drivers involved were over 10 years of driver's license.

• 50.4% of the accidents occurred with less than 1 hour away.

• 74.1% of the vehicles involved were cars (48.3%) and trucks (25.8%).

• On state highways in São Paulo were 70,224 accidents, which accounted for 62.4% of 112,457 in all Brazilian highways.

• died on the spot, 2,029 people in state highways in São Paulo in 6119 against all federal highways. To these numbers add up to 66% of deaths outside the accident site. Thus, the São Paulo highways account for about 25% of road fatalities in the country.

As shown, the reckless driving is the main cause of accidents, and especially the deaths. The better the conditions of roads increased the speed and overtaking in situations prohibited, with a large number of collisions. In addition, pedestrians have a great weight on the number of deaths, since people are run over with the vehicle to more than 60 km / h, which does not give much chance of surviving the pedestrians.

All this points to intensive measurements of traffic education, complemented with a more action this Highway Patrol and deployment of radars.

In education, there are actions to primary school, higher quality in the schools; advertise permanent public utility; professional truck drivers, with the inclusion simulator, similar to what is done with airplane pilots, games for children and effective use of the Internet.

In relation to operational improvements in roads, actions are planned routine maintenance of roads and signage, elimination of critical points of accidents, implementation of third lanes on uphill; care of Samu (Mobile Service System Urgency) in the corridors with higher traffic flow, as is done in the Regis Bittencourt highway, renewal of the fleet of trucks, with the exclusion of vehicles with more than twenty five years of manufacturing, and vehicle inspections tightening up.

In the area of \u200b\u200bcontrol and repression, there are actions to report and punish speeding, excess axle load on trucks, drug use by drivers, disregard for traffic signals, among others.

Resources for works, services and educational activities to the accelerated reduction of accidents and their severity, should not be contingent, nor suffer interruption, in relation to cash flow.

The coordinated action of the three spheres of power, with the active participation of the Ministries of Transport, Justice, and Cities, as well as the entities of society can reduce, by 2015, the current numbers to acceptable minimum levels.

José Augusto Valente - Technical Director Portal T1

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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The problems on the trains and São Paulo subway

Today, 21/9/10, was more a problem in Metro-SP.

With that occurred in the CPTM trains, are twelve in just two months .

The chaos of today (click here for reading matter in T1), second Governor of the State of São Paulo, Alberto Goldman, was caused by a shirt that caught the closing of the doors , paralyzing the entire system.

The governor said it is strange that this has occurred and left the air a chance to tamper with electoral purposes.

Let's review the facts in a rational way:
1. Does the subway system so fragile and so insecure that is unable to react to locking a door, leading to paralysis of the entire system, drawing the ire of users with the consequent depletion of vehicles?

2. If it was an act of sabotage - for electoral purposes - must have been a single event. Was it? The answer is not . This was the 12th incident in the CPTM trains and the Metro-SP, in just two months.

3. It is plausible that militants from opposition parties to the current state government have succeeded in a series of twelve interventions in the subway system to undermine the candidate government's SP? If it is, is because the system is very vulnerable. Or not?

4. If we consider only the reported incidents from August to September this year, the average problem is one every 3.6 days. Is it credible that a political party is needed to generate this frequency of problems?

5. Matter of UOL reports each of these twelve issues and informs the causes of each one of them (click here ): Failure to supply electric power (several); traction problems, equipment failure at the station Paradise; invasion of truck on level crossing; problems in ports, poor signage; ray on track.

Apparently there fortuitous causes and problems related to inefficient management for emergencies when the problem occurs.

In a phrase: no contingency plans!

As a result, each time a problem occurs, CPTM and Metro-SP are unable to react to minimize damage and avoid chaos. It's that simple.

Speaking sabotage for electoral purposes is to underestimate our intelligence too.

José Augusto Valente - Technical Director T1

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Record numbers of Paranagua bursts with the thesis of the blackout logistical

The Port of Paranaguá hit a record high monthly handling charges last August in its 75 year existence. ( Click here to view story about)

How is now the speech that the Brazilian public ports are damaged, saturated with poor conditions that will lead inexorably to a blackout logistics?

should be recalled that from time to business segments using just the Port of Paranaguá as a reference for this discourse.

Results and successive records of the leading public ports in Brazil shows that this claim is false and has the sole purpose of bringing about change the regulatory framework for the "general released" and thus a "slum" of the system port.

Authorities Brazil need to listen more to the numbers, indicators and user satisfaction than those fallacious arguments which are not relevant to the owners and major international operators, aiming to win the monopoly of that market.

In the vast majority of developed and emerging countries, the movement is the opposite of what the ANC wants: instead of "lliberou general, greater control of the state.

Unlike the "slums" of the port system, the concentration and formation of blocks of the few operators to there are economies of scale significant to revert to a lower tariff and increased quality of service provided.

After all, what is at stake is the regional and national development of the country and its security and national sovereignty.

José Augusto Valente - Technical Director T1

Thursday, September 16, 2010

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Maestro and Paypal Moneybookers

Maestro cards can not be used for Paypal account. Becoming less of a possibility of using Maestro cards, Paypal because it is gradually removed from your system.

probably better for us to not be reversed and we limited the opportunities offered by Paypal now.

Many of us have a Paypal-u send emails and finally they are our only 'mercy', so that the paypal account for us at least some useful.

mail iz leta 2007, ko smo že imeli euro:

Dear xxxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting PayPal, my name is  Stephan  and I am happy to
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I can see from the information you have provided that you are contacting us in regards to receiving money via PayPal in Slovenia.

Mr. xxxxx, this unfortunately is not due to the EU status. it
is all to do with the co-operation of banks in Slovenia and contracts we don't have yet.

Members in some countries and regions may not use PayPal to receive
payments, but only send payments. Visit https://www.paypal.com// and
click the "PayPal Worldwide" link in the upper right corner of the page. The countries listed under "Send Money to Anyone in the Growing PayPal
Network" cannot receive payments only send payments.

Members in Luxembourg with a Personal or Premier account cannot use
PayPal to receive money, but may send payments. Members in Luxembourg
with a Business account can use PayPal to both send and receive money.

PayPal is constantly working to expand and improve its services for its
customers. We hope to expand our features for these countries, but due
to the complexities of global finance, we cannot give a timetable for
this expansion.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Sincerely, Stephan

PayPal, an eBay Company

Copyright (c) 1999-2007 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) Ltd
. Authorized and regulated is by the Financial Services Authority and
the United Kingdom as an electronic money Institution.
PayPal FSA Register Number
: 226056

some explanation of the lack of cooperation by Mr. Banks and the Luxembourg!?

And a later mail:

We are pleased announce the following Tues changes to your PayPal account:

And a Few months from now, PayPal users and users in Italy and the Card Withdrawal Regions (Listed Below) Will be able to withdraw funds from their PayPal accounts through credit, debit and/or pre-paid cards that show the Visa or MasterCard logo.

If, until now, you have only been able to send funds with your PayPal account, these changes mean that soon you will also be able to receive and withdraw funds through PayPal using credit, debit and/or pre-paid cards with the Visa or MasterCard logos. The User Agreement will be amended for users in the Card Withdrawal Regions and it will also contain provisions for those who may already have these features.

The Card Withdrawal Regions include: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Gibraltar, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Sincerely, PayPal

promise to potential payments from Paypal account at MasterCard, but it is not.

Despite the fact that not everything is as it should be, a Paypal account as a useful case for paying online.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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in tap sweater, lungs mottled ladybug wind

are moments ..

In one, she brought to tears. After that, cumulatively:
disappeared . rozmazała.rozkleiła.rozerwała.rozpadła. shattered.
zgubiła.pogubiła and (acting incumbent on the next generation, the gap in logistics),
never later, were found.

error in the system. Gasket gave way and the screw so baked that there was no turning back. nagrzał.zagrzał.przegrzał the cable, clicked, went around the perimeter of a short circuit.
and see how not pierdolnęło ..- .(!)- and you .(!).. Blind.

then comes a moment when my feet are freezing terribly.
Shortly after all freezing, dreaming of a feather pierzynach that (probably anyway), nothing would have not given yet.
... and this order did not go insane before his death ..

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eyes put her hand zmróż
at its core card and bode
and what you see is my master,
no longer?

eyes tre, dre card
Creator beware protect me
in spite of these predictions, no longer Brně
hearts of the interior walls of the dust wipe

Drgnij lion's heart and see in them
trembles thy throat, but the hardness bends
crush their anger, knives make
enormity of evil, humility break.

he is coming
roses bloom in the field
winds army renegade souls
many bugs there claws
tear and bone corrosive
przegnitych bone, black,
fat from the earth,
for of age were killed.

moral is short.
Brus dog woke up with a leash
breaking chains
utterly destroying the padlock
writing comes to me with barely
I wanted to catch up with its own tail
rozpierdolił head a shack

So open the door freaked wróbelku
of heath birch voice trembles
when the sound of jaws lock
twang heard glass rozstrzaskanego

guard overnight

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you pretty?

- I am
and why you think so?
- because no woman ever told me that I am ugly:)
and not afraid to do not want to hurt you? :)

- met the once a beautiful woman with whom you had something to talk about?
I see beauty only in the truth
- the truth?

please give me your hand ..
invite you to my garden, where some of his corner of this beauty (of whom I presume you say), boilerplate loses meaning ..
Close your eyes ..
Imagine ..
yourself ..
imagine a man who like no one else seems to be when you do not forget that it is possible simply show up, just, and still again, so you immensity surprises ..
Imagine a man who has a smile so much fun that now the same tears in my eyes can testify to this, the desired e so far been few such moments in which you were really happy ..
Imagine a man who has so much wisdom, so good, humility, quiet enough that you feel like Laika at the fourth lap of the earth, guess when this space ..
Finally, imagine the man who first comes to mind when you cry and you feel so sad that it no longer senses slowly strada ...
look at this man's eyes ...
still ask what is beauty?
Finally, try imagine ..
that this man may have his hands ..?
and stay with it ...

for some time ...

- ... And you're beautiful?

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gardens with new opportunities

Why can not I allow myself to believe sometimes that "Indeed, in this dress with flowers
(here, the sticking to the side) look like" no monia fucking whore! "
Etam ..- .. countersteers, feeling - no longer as a princess, a gray female rabbit with
who everybody laughs in addition ..
Although I've probably even once almost believe it.

My nadzeja longer just in the quest of life, like chicken soup klarowngo good ..
And giving them faith in it that they are surely such
makes you (in a sense) of their creator, inspiration and tymsamym, also still expanding, plastic .. not artificial.
(in the context of the soup - no monosodium glutamate)
Because I think to myself that if a man somewhere, after all (at one point) is about to begin, in its infinite possibilities is also ..

- suffered a boyfriend ..
probably you, not once, perhaps, more ..
I basically why you are giving yourself the right to feel better
only because he broke gum?;)

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because even if you do not say the whole truth, and I know that you know ...

remarkable story, with a focus on conflict serotoniczny ...
background music, music tuned the mood ...
runaway ... listen .. l. ..
a few was enough ... I reminded myself again, your smell ..
few and I can not describe the serenity that in your hair threaded thoughts.
few and buys you all the pros and cons, and somewhere between all of those filaments do not yet understand.
several and I fear those words which are born in my head. Those whom, not now, not prędce, not today ... I will not say ...
... It is not difficult wings of a butterfly move ...
I wish I could nurture you, even the smallest needs ..
I would like to listen to you, in Your breath, a whisper in your .. in silence ..
Hand over to give, love ..
in you .. me .. with you .. in us .. influence .. swim ... drown ...
love you .. love .. love ... you ... wave after wave of Christ .. sir ...

I would like to be able to create with you to shape the taste kakaa sweater
in December's dark night ..
and all, I'm ready for you to be valid, and do not lose this as a very ...
few ... a few moments ...
(End remarkable tale, focusing on conflict serotoniczny)

Overall assessment of the patient:
- emotionally unstable personality disorder
disclose in the field of behavior disorders and traits personality
Served measures (oral):
- trojcyklidow a row.
- aspargin pyralgin majamil
vitamins b
further therapy in a large network of mental health centers

Doctor Moderator: monika
Signature of Patient:
Raciborskie dzwiekonasladowczych center of the installation.

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(som some some times ago ..)

D and Daria: ... I have a problem is that I can not do the shopping ..
how many times I tried to do them came back with a billion of unnecessary products,
because it seemed to me necessary, to have their ...

with how broken cloud, zarwana night: and then those waiting until the end of shelf life and the only one of their joy, the segregation of waste ...
CURTAIN (Lights out)
first (same)
D for the same Daria: I go to the store, you want something?
Z as meteorological phenomenon (difficult this word) and what are you going?
D for a few seconds old Daria: Robie lasagne needs meat and cheese.
heard receding footsteps ..
after a while ..
steps they return the piece of paper ...
third RED MALBORO paperback
4th HOME:]


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the dialogue sucked into the leek

M. - in fact, girls why we burn it? ...
K. - because it is a product of the plant.
M. - biodegradable.
E. - ecological.

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smile at the thought of error-free manifestations of the god
whatever way the listener comprehend it - is at least as "liturgical texts of the verse," * a friend of the sect.

Konrad - proudly sounding name, tiny clean, wonderful man.
because it's thanks to him, I know already today that children Pachna crayfish poklejonymi mamba and cat dander. ( sometimes sweets taste better than dinner for five minutes)
and caught red handed to the question "is a coto?" - See innocently on handles, responding - in accordance with the truth-"had."
And in turn "had" to the rest of the cat, which under table licking the traces of events, fond of raspberries
- not looks.

I Do not marvel at beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen
Ala has a cat. Konrad has its own truth. Lutek (cat) - Mamba also "had."

on his head, became part of the bus, I wanted to say tambylca who I am, what I miss, what makes me happy, while crying, and my name .. nobody wanted to listen .. .
Another time, starting from the bakery regrets that instead of questions " Today also słoneczniczek? "not heard" or Ms. so I just like that, just simply tight hug?
Mouth silence clogging, who weave in the hair and fingers threaded.
To light your ears not seen the not-to-say ...
truth .. its


no words spoken - of course.

is not so that everything on there.
Because you either know how to play, either did not know how.
and if you do not know how, it never begins.

baby I instability
kreślarskim pencil I drew two lines, maybe four.
In the end, fifteen.
And fuck me if I curse too much. - No nawięcej a million of them were.
-guesses reluctantly, because ashamed to admit that I have no idea.
a shame that in turn have one on my finger, moreover, already mentioned
onanizując and before the eyes in pairs, I'm not sure anything
because I finally piles, or already do not smoke?
and if I close the window or open as a result. ?