Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time Off Needed For Kidney Infection

About rety, forgotten: O

Prior acquired this album on ebay, so the school took care in August and moving into the woods, that I forgot about it forever, niedopuszczczalno - inexcusable, but I found ... but what Radocha was ... shot of old postcards ... . there quite a good day:). A different barrel - this phrase refers to the all the guys, boyfriends, husbands, fathers and lovers: P. ... "kibelek niepsutek recommend" to the building, hiding it deep into its tiles, which chose to brave wife, which cost her ... the more expensive the bigger wrinkle and a drop of sweat on the forehead of our partners:) great fun: P. ... well ...." So the toilet niepsutek "can not go wrong .... I find the one who dares beautiful tiles pinned his beautiful wife?:) Cheers connected my sister:)


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