Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Kill Mold On Leather

And all you witches!

Yes, yes .... by you, through you, all beings blogging:) I watched your creativity, incredible the way :).... no and I took, but how? were totally, and it was like this:

16:02 Thursday 10 March 2011.
- Cat dressed up!! We're going to town! - I shouted excitedly toward the bedroom where my brave R. done in two days and threw it ciapę doggedly on the wall.
- A speech is not! - shouted vows, so I went to the top do something, flutter her eyelashes and smile No use. 356, in the event of strong protests on his part, entered the game with a smile Kota Schreka:)
- not you see I'm currently a worker, a very dirty? - continues R. - besides, WHY DO CITIES woman?
And here I was quiet but firm:
- After sewing machine and wadding and quickly added - because I will sew! - his face? NIEDOOPISANIA!
- hands when you fall, the machine? Sewing? You, and sewing machine? -says, and I feel that will versus that will be fought and will not move ... so he reacts like a real diplomat
- no it will not take your baby, get over yourself here ciapanie, wash it before we leave for 25 minutes - lock the door and run away as diplomatically:) Then
I got to my phone:)
- Mamoooooooooo, going after the machine and wadding, I need everything else, I do not know exactly what, but I will sew miracles - I mean in a moment
- AAAAAA - I hear a joyful squeal on the other side of the line - Be after 18:00 I have everything here you naszykuje - screaming into the phone I'm excited! -To a woman with similar passions, understand! Well, I've got, top of everything as I have:) materials, materiałki, bows, ribbons, lace and koroneczki, needles, thread, buttons, feathers, pióreczka, adhesives, centimeters, and even a thimble beautiful:) and many other miracles:)
Several hours later, a trunk of treasures richer I get home with a smile from ear to ear, my R still did not understand anything, but also lucky because I happy that it is enough:)
And so begins my story of "Sewing Machine and Wadding." As I said earlier, oczarowałyście Witches:)


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