Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Soon Can Syphillis Be Detected


the occasion of your Christmas wish you:
To the only tears that come up in your eyes
crystal were tears of happiness
To joyous smile on your face
not covered the heavy clouds of sorrow
to petals littering the road your destination
And happiness, health, joy and love were destined thy days.

mine I love you:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eagle Metal Cores For 40$ For 2

Earrings modeling contest

Earrings with clay roses
fashionable this season. Floral, floral.
colors as nearly always deceived, that is actually more vivid colors. (

and to encounter the old picture of earrings, I did long ago:

Feel free to buy and orders!)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From Dark Brown Hair To Blonde Highlights

Heart, chickens, hens, my heart!

So I moved from the place, his first works are finished, Serducho to my new bedroom is not yet ready, because fiance still does ciapę and constantly ciapie, but but the additives are beginning to take shape, perhaps they are still quite clumsy, but personally as well, has as bloody hell:) ... and yet small hearts as a tag on the keys to the cabinets .... and no chickens! All the chickens are doing, and I'm doing:) Cultural Learnings of chickens your blogs, my little spaślakowate, but proud to work :).... it takes little time and so many beautiful things to zrbienia, already główkuje as now, any ideas?:)

Ko Ko Ko Ko are also:)

greet all sunny:)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Make A Boat With Foil Paper And Tape

Pink Ribbon Exercise

the occasion of International Day Against Cancer (February 3 ) forum organized a contest connected with a charity auction for cancer patients.

Campaign charity supported by:

taking part in the contest I threw myself into the deep end trying to nail a new shape - pipe. The end result did not go as I wanted, but I'm proud of myself; P

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Kill Mold On Leather

And all you witches!

Yes, yes .... by you, through you, all beings blogging:) I watched your creativity, incredible the way :).... no and I took, but how? were totally, and it was like this:

16:02 Thursday 10 March 2011.
- Cat dressed up!! We're going to town! - I shouted excitedly toward the bedroom where my brave R. done in two days and threw it ciapę doggedly on the wall.
- A speech is not! - shouted vows, so I went to the top do something, flutter her eyelashes and smile No use. 356, in the event of strong protests on his part, entered the game with a smile Kota Schreka:)
- not you see I'm currently a worker, a very dirty? - continues R. - besides, WHY DO CITIES woman?
And here I was quiet but firm:
- After sewing machine and wadding and quickly added - because I will sew! - his face? NIEDOOPISANIA!
- hands when you fall, the machine? Sewing? You, and sewing machine? -says, and I feel that will versus that will be fought and will not move ... so he reacts like a real diplomat
- no it will not take your baby, get over yourself here ciapanie, wash it before we leave for 25 minutes - lock the door and run away as diplomatically:) Then
I got to my phone:)
- Mamoooooooooo, going after the machine and wadding, I need everything else, I do not know exactly what, but I will sew miracles - I mean in a moment
- AAAAAA - I hear a joyful squeal on the other side of the line - Be after 18:00 I have everything here you naszykuje - screaming into the phone I'm excited! -To a woman with similar passions, understand! Well, I've got, top of everything as I have:) materials, materiałki, bows, ribbons, lace and koroneczki, needles, thread, buttons, feathers, pióreczka, adhesives, centimeters, and even a thimble beautiful:) and many other miracles:)
Several hours later, a trunk of treasures richer I get home with a smile from ear to ear, my R still did not understand anything, but also lucky because I happy that it is enough:)
And so begins my story of "Sewing Machine and Wadding." As I said earlier, oczarowałyście Witches:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does Pinguecula Ever Go Away On It's Own?

That is worth a look in the attic! Today

know that sometimes the attic or in a cell is nieprzytulnie and somehow look up there, man does not want to, but ... curiosity won and I looked and buried ... and found ... toys, Toys, egg, egg, Bunnies and other wonders ... I found out ... forgotten I lived with the conviction that I gave? accidentally threw, horror of horrors? that were lost in the excitement of moving: P ... but are they are! some hand made by me and most of all by my Mam, some purchased, received gifts, some incredibly valuable because disgustingly old, scored a severe bleed indomitable digger-wasp-seeker:) so ... for me tadah already Easter is coming: )

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Program My Noma Thermostat

Women's Day:)

You said: 'I love the larks in the fields, over the fields
That's all we sing for us and for us
They stand in the air high into the clouds
They fall from the sky to the winds, with clouds ... '

You said: 'I love the larks in the fields, over the fields
That's all we sing for us and for us
One guard the skies and fields just above the copper
The rest do not ask, because you are - say ..'

All skowronkach
you sing your hair and your dress sings

and white slipper


all women, kobietkom, we all wish you a pleasant warm day, pleasant mornings, new inspiration, new ideas to the world and life, and above all love:)

Staying on the topic, a few miracles from my collection:)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tractor Frame Painting/houston


So I passed the weekend:):

(only old tiger, and the rest still warm)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time Off Needed For Kidney Infection

About rety, forgotten: O

Prior acquired this album on ebay, so the school took care in August and moving into the woods, that I forgot about it forever, niedopuszczczalno - inexcusable, but I found ... but what Radocha was ... shot of old postcards ... . there quite a good day:). A different barrel - this phrase refers to the all the guys, boyfriends, husbands, fathers and lovers: P. ... "kibelek niepsutek recommend" to the building, hiding it deep into its tiles, which chose to brave wife, which cost her ... the more expensive the bigger wrinkle and a drop of sweat on the forehead of our partners:) great fun: P. ... well ...." So the toilet niepsutek "can not go wrong .... I find the one who dares beautiful tiles pinned his beautiful wife?:) Cheers connected my sister:)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kamehasutra 3 Streaming


moment so I suffered, I found the shops and flohmarki to bury advanced:), now I'll be wondering where to put, because they've no place slowly, but it handy in August handy for sure, everything: P .... my R does not understand and I do not understand guys do not understand the strong need to have another vase or plant pot: P at least mine: P. ... tadaaam