Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Johnny Depp Winona Tattoo

were to be New Year's Eve, shiny nails with lots of rhinestones ... when you take a nail and had changed my ideas to be later the same panther .. French .. and the flowers were at the end hahahaha .. painted yesterday but something feels too long to not stand with them: D

one stroke flowers la ..

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Briggs And Stratton 98902 Governor Spring Diagram

Christmas, New Year, and earrings in the dominant color, or black

choineczka my noodle:):

May the joy and peace of Christmas is accompanied by all throughout the New Year. I hope that 2011 was a year happy in your personal feelings, intentions and aspirations fulfilled the professional and social level and you bring a lot of satisfaction from their achievements. :): *


last few piercings ..

and, of course, I appeal to all can buy earrings! :)

And here even throw pendant, which she asked for my brother;)
crest on one side Legia Warsaw, on the other side arms Mokotowa:)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Infant Sleeping With Eyes Open Unresponsive

The PAC is doing well, thanks

Every time the federal government introduced the accountability of CAP causes an uproar in the press. As a rule, this has a look that gives more emphasis on what's missing to complete than was actually performed.
Beyond this bias (to look at the empty glass of water), the press is linked to that paid more than what was done objectively. Everyone knows (because I did some work at home) there is a natural break between the completion of part or all of the work and his payment.
In public administration, a work (or part thereof) is ready today and the company will only receive two months from now. So there will always be a difference between what was done and what was paid. For the user interested in the latter, no matter whether the company has already received or not.
Finally, a mixture of investment responsibility of states and municipalities with the federal government.
As an example, when one says that the works relating to sanitation and housing are very backward, no reports that these are the responsibility of state governments and municipalities, leaving open the idea of \u200b\u200bfailure of the federal government, which only participates coordinating and providing financial resources, usually through the Caixa Economica Federal.
Another important aspect, little regarded by the press, is the method of the federal government to define with clarity what to do, setting targets and, every four months, to account for what was done, what is the problem and stuff.
Imagine if all state governments to do so. Presenting an investment program for four years and reporting on the progress, which is every six months!
The numbers shown at 11 ° PAC Balance Sheet showed:
a) Investments on the program will reach R $ 619 billion by December 31, 2010, representing 94.1% of R $ 657.4 billion to be invested by the program during 2007-2010.
b) Until October 31 this year, the amount invested totaled R $ 559.6 billion, equivalent to 85.1% of total anticipated;
c) By December, the PAC will complete 6,377 km of highways and other 909 km of railways. In the Oil and Gas are 12 new fields and 12 platforms in operation, while 3,776 km pipeline built.
d) In the areas of Housing and Sanitation, 1,323 works were completed and 4,016 are being implemented throughout the country, in partnership with state and local governments.
e) Two of the biggest dams in the world are being built today in Brazil: Santo Antonio and Jirau, and Belo Monte will start soon. On 30 November, the Federal Government inaugurated the Locks of Tucurui in Para A venture I was at a slow pace was 30 and he was taken by the PAC. A landmark for the region north of the country
is a fact that not all roses. There are management problems in some federal agencies, there are huge problems in municipalities and state governments, which prevent a pace more appropriate to the works of housing and sanitation.
But considering that it does not lack is the financial resource, responsible for the failure of various programs of previous governments, other elements have all conditions to adjust over time.
is for these reasons that we conclude that "the CAP is doing well, thank you."
José Augusto Valente - Technical Director of the Agency T1

Witty Wedding Congratulations

Why and who is interested in strategic work to paralyze the country?

Obra rodoviária
Road Work
This article was originally published in Joe Blog Dirceu, on 30/09/10, but is very current, according to an article published yesterday (10/11/10) in the newspaper O Globo. I made some adjustments but the essence is the same.
basis of that article the following statements and judgments;
a) It is not necessary and, instead, is ineffective, the stoppage of public works for the strategic country. If the aim is to make the work has an appropriate cost within the constitutional principles, there are other penalties that can punish those who should be punished, and even replace the contract axes. In this case, in addition to resume reasonable standards in public administration, not to penalize users by region and country, with the postponement of vital works for them.
b) The other party - who is interested in the strike? - Can only have two responses. The most obvious is the "nobody", as explained above. The more Machiavellian is "interested in who wants the government can not politically capitalize the benefits generated by them."
c) even less interested employees (and their families) who will be fired en masse, with the paralysis of major works such as those mentioned in recent reports by the TCU, a very special moment of resumption of vigorous economic growth and social Brazil.
Let the grounds.
The Court of Audit - TCU is an advisory body to Congress in one of his main responsibilities is to supervise the executive branch. The staff headcount TCU is the highest level approved in contests considered the toughest in the country. TCU therefore has an effective framework on which few questions were pointless.
Reports TCU, sent to Congress for approval, are often tools used by the media for sharp criticism from the government in office, in this case, the President Lula. So far as we are not naïve to think that the media is impartial, is also part of the game. One of
aspects that shows a certain misrepresentation of information is that TCU does not indicate irregularities, but "indications of irregularities." However, reports in the press report that way, as The Globe yesterday, in the lead on page 10.
"The Court of Audit (TCU) today recommended that 32 works that receive federal funds to be halted because they had serious irregularities "
As such, the question that needs answering is: why and Who is the paralysis of strategic work for the country?
not want to discuss if TCU is right or wrong in making value judgments that irregularities occurred or even that there are strong indications of irregularities. I am assuming that the judgments are well reasoned and make sense. What I question is whether it makes sense, or rather whether it is better to paralyze the country a strategic work in progress, or if there were other forms of direct penalties on directors and companies that do not involve executing at a high cost for the country.
President Lula is right to question this point, in terms of today's O Globo. A great work to be stopped (and we have numerous examples in the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso) has its first impact to prevent the benefits that these works would bring - for users and for developing regional and national - be postponed to who knows when. There are cases of suspended works, such as duplication of roads, which extended the misfortunes and increased transportation costs of thousands of users for more than five years.
The second impact relates to the substantial increase of the final cost of the work. This is the paradox that the TCU need fix: the correct order to prevent harm resulting from overbillings and over-pricing, which would increase the final cost of the work, ends up producing the same evil, only on a much higher level, which is increase the final cost of the work. That's because demobilize and re-mobilize a "work in addition to that a very high cost.
Not to mention that, in cases of road works, you lose a big part of that done because, as the works were not completed to protect the infrastructure from the effects climate (rain in particular) as the final finish and drainage, to resume work, many of these services need to be redone, adding that more then rework costs.
reiterate: to fight evil, it produces an even greater evil .
Anyway, I hope to have reasoned that it makes no sense at the proposed strike works, or for alleged irregularities detected.
I think that the country expects the Congress to be wise and forward the necessary and sufficient punishment for the irregularities or evidence of irregularities to be corrected without affecting the Brazilian people, especially workers who are laid off.
José Augusto Valente is Technical Director of T1

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ontario Registering A Homemade Trailer

tucked artichoke

I took to be doing balls with ribbons, but about and Effects: Red Yellow

purple pink

And here both bombeczki .. Has been added to the red bow on top of thicker, which was not the first pictures.

I used to have silver and navy, but unfortunately forgot about the picture: (

Friday, December 10, 2010

French Country Black Waverly Curtains

Odganiam winter:)

Butterflies with cubic zirconia (zirconium on both sides):)

Panterraaa Lime

And in the end even though the winter odganiam is such a holy claws: P

Thursday, December 9, 2010

W200 I Diagram Alpine Iva-w200 Wiring Diagram?

Paypal sredtva Wikileaks released a

Paypal released the funds accumulated through grants Wikileaks-u, but the new grants will not allow.

Swot Anlaysis Of Titleist

Proverbs on Friendship

know a true friend in the accident.

not expect from friends that they will do what you can do alone.

friendship is strengthened by the visits, even Especially rare.

If you praise a friend, Be thankful to him. If these praises the enemy, beware.

True friendship is one of the most difficult emotions, perhaps even gravity can be obtained as love.

He has no friends, walk like a stranger on the earth.

Friendship is like money, easier to get than it is to keep.

former friend worse than the enemy.

Bigger Bum, What To Eat

It is finally ...

.... waited, waited, beloved, desired, ... ... clove my Corcia, bottom, right only child.
that is a black hole and koroneczka ...
was born in pain, marudzeniu and temeraturze than 39 degrees, but in the end it is! Fairy
zębuszka in this role is to throw money tatunio the piggy bank:) it is not difficult to guess that this also
title is not pleased with the first tooth just like me but there is no way out .... I promised.
I do not have many opportunities for watching my tooth because I desired a small specially Buzek closes it as soon as they say, "show the tooth" and even take refuge in the hands .. .. Spryciula small.
is all for today ....

Ps. Have you noticed that he writes with punctuation?
or at least I try:)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Imagen Del Acne Genital

Paypal account Wikileaks blocked

The incitement and promotion of illegal acts is a Paypal account blocked by Wikileaks, which could be indicative of a grant.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Descargara Un (usb) Abdelbaset

Older Contests Earrings hand-painted

1). The theme of the contest were decorated fingernails to row John
Brzechwy "On the islands Bergamutach") June 2010

2). Decorations on five teasers cartoon character, animated tales, favorite characters from my childhood:) (you could send more than one job) August 2010

konursy Both were held at forum.wzorki.info!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cause For Getting Skinny Legs

Miko ....

5 .... it came late in the evening, Olivia was already tired, whiny and basically had him in the nose ... ... she had a bath, milk, and sleeping.
He had to be 6 in the morning but her husband went to work and did not see that as a small open presents. Mikolaj
hit the jackpot, like it or autko driver I will:)

Ps. the mother, of course:]

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Does Suze Orman Say About 401k

first winter's walk ....

... We are behind him, was held yesterday popołudniu.Jak husband returned from work.
Olivia was surprised at first, later a little confused, because it was snowing heavily, and at the end zadwolona:)
It was fun, not zazimno, no wind and in addition pruszyło fairy tale.
course I forgot about makijarzu a husband did but no pictures ... Generally
walk in August he went to the extent that today we repeat.

Ps. When dressing up, of course I was a little squeal nawidzi not dress in a jacket and boots ...
After that, each day begins to notice his daughter at the flippancy:]
Increasingly, it shows what he wants and what she does not like it! After
Who has it?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Light Sheer Diode For Sale

Recently, I have an awful lot of science, but in the evenings,
when I can no longer be willing to learn de-stresses a painting of earrings:

And here to order Mala Mi on beige background:)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Groping The Woman In The Train

as I could?

.. write the story of the "ch" is for the jacket!
... and perhaps kg: /

Tellmepinkorblue Does It Work

no, and it is white!

.... in England (at the moment we got carried away here), the national defeat: schools closed, thousands of accidents, the TV only about winter and snow talk!
doubt drew jacket in a color different than she had but cool enough that zamala.
husband had gone and they just rang to mention that not only have this color is what I originally wanted a-damn that was better I had a longer list of additives to it:]
Now what? As usual all of these piepszone pociazowe kg, a child in March, will have a year and I still thick-just super! The matter
visuals rather, lack thereof, leaves for another post, because it chistoria long and hard as my pounds .. ... in each badzrazie already losing weight from 2 weeks and hope that they deliver results
diet and St. Nicholas muzzle because Christmas is approaching and with them the temptation ...

Ps.Kazda woman knows the saying "the devil is in the details" ...
.... searching the Internet for additions to the jacket:]

Monday, November 29, 2010

Diy Baby Shower Favors

it got cold .....

really cold ... ... Promise to snow tomorrow:)
weekend has passed, and with it was the birthday of G. merrily ... and, unfortunately, so I can only write to the public ..
Monday, nothing extraordinary happens, little traffic congestion in August playing husband, bites, laces, is already busy on the time:) Just
bath, lotion and spanko. Maz will be watching the match on the net which for me is reading about how much longer will burn a little ...
write an SMS with the republics that today will be the jacket between 1914-1918 is 19 and fortunately no one was, well, unless you were at the neighbor of my jacket! Have a nice evening

Friday, November 26, 2010

What Is The Best Way To Wax Your Legs

... Friday, the week end and the beginning .....

package came today ..... from Mothercare, however, so I ordered a husband to do what I asked:)
Next week will have what I ordered well, because it is not duplicating it would be fun and it is, though to my surprise my husband did not have a long pressure.
I wonder why? is not related to him! Mala
burns with the desire in the afternoon in bed (in a new linen).
I hope, and immediately I fall asleep but I already have fights at home.
it got cold in August, is in the red in the end the end of November, Christmas soon:)
G.poszedl run with my brother and I will go watch a movie ....
hmmm ... I remember those times where I started partying on Friday and finishing Sunday, but when it was?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mount And Blade Mods For1.011

Duffy-well, well, well .... Olivia

Przeboj ..... No one of my Olivia:)
to listen and seeing in the video bar at the bottom!

Public Cruise Spots In New Jersey

name Olivia not the totality I like ...
.. and probably not the totality fit my daughter.
In the beginning was to be Julia but the family my husband and I was reborn in August suggested that stupid what they said and now regret. Later
was to be May but they we abandoned that name because so many Majek around and yet this series Majka on TVN
One day we came up with Olivia, and so stayed. My dear husband, Olivia wanted by the "in" rather than "v" what effect is that here in England learn to read her name Olive. My close friend
discouraged us a name, she said for us to even think about .... .. we had to listen to me.
As is often the first choice is the best and in our case it was also so, we cry, poor daughter rarely by name.
girls named Olivia is also a lot of like Majek, my two daughters familiar in May named Olivia at jeszczze more discouraging to me that name.

Ps. It may have changed but the name Julia? and may already be to Olive?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Panel Of Estate Agent Sample Letter

already know where the packages are .....

.... at the store because my husband does not order that what is asked of him, moreover, as usual.
do not believe him that he wanted to just ... well i always just some ... but .... or something else that impedes him in carrying out my requests.
week ago, he ordered traffic jams and do not really believe his own way.
corks lying in the house, six boxes so, so I invented a six boxes that will sell .... ... It's not the first such deal.
year ago, I have already had a similar idea and later wysprzedawal stoppers for next to nothing because no one was interested they do not.:] I'm tired of this
that first you have with him wyklocic and later something will give, Or do help. ... Not speak for the moment to her husband.
Sw.Mikolaj this year it will not come: P
Olivia just fell asleep in the back pounding bored laptop screen. I also am going to wash and spac.Dobranoc

Opening For A Church Letter

and another day has passed ...

.... I was once at the two umowiontm meeting with a doctor and another day has passed. Mala
little so it burns slightly Flaky saying.
Just come back from work hungry husband of course:)
Muszecos cook and finally clean up because it, and shame and no money is waiting ....

Ps.gdzie the damn package? How many can wait?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Swollen Pinky Due To Cuticle

here, here, here sroczka weighed porridge ...

.... My child enjoys as stupid as we do here, here, here sroczka weighed porridge ....
never before August no interest in this fun-I recommend
Just go out to my place of work-talk with the manager in the fact that I'm not going back to work.
the way we have to buy a trinket for Daddy to flatter me:) come close to his birthday ...
Olivia this morning was extremely whiny fortunately passed it after 20min nap: P

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is Advil Better Than Tylenol Hemerrhoids?

siumpek from Mars ...

.... this game in which my child is trying to bite me on the cheek dziaselkami, spending a deterrent noises.
My role in this game is the pretense of scared-we can just have fun for 15 minutes

Ps. helping St Nicholas P

Wedding Spanish Vocabulary

19marca should start ...

... because I came into the world my daughter:) but so many things coincided with the time to write until today ....
on Monday as a daily, daughter cuts the morning nap after watching cartoons.
last Friday ended 8miesiecy-how time flies!
above all, this blog will be about it every day something new surprises me, lest I accidentally missed something!
Since it is a daughter and husband:) about it here will also footboolu-lover and travel ..
no, and I-"mtaka, wife and lover" - exactly in this order ...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Washing Machine Makes Screeching Sound

in these and in the WTE rail

In kołtunach dog with gilami belt across the dew password. Cocoon
nerves cobwebbed bothers confusion, lack of hearing in the ear,
nail in the head until the tires bite hare.
Lungs of glass wool is covered in one breath, two full years.
left eyelid still listed in fear, trembling, dribbling horizon of the blades on it fangs. Finally
eats up the horizon, empty chamber of the eye beam lights in the cornea rubs.
wet dog-empty belly - skołtuniony łakomczuszek.
hungry glances in the box, the world papierkach after candy.
umorusał Mordka gray that this was not enough, also on the head nawsiąkało.
the woods behind the mountains, the paths of the queues

core connects to the aorta rhizomes
lame boy ends his life.

that sweet verse, as the pierniczka domeczek
in sweet icing , cream-colored door
fence daisies on it and the kitty cat
mouse slowly dying, he casually
fur peel it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

PlÁnek Na Rashi Bionicle

What if pewngo day will not have to milk ..

give me a word
the most beautiful
which, in total I do not know why
turns out that not all change
-enchant or disappoint

Give me you fit in you
change in the most beautiful,
all possible forms.
-out of luck or love it

put it to sleep it all at
raises sticky hot temples
screaming wpołowie already acute and devastated.
- znieś or roznieś

life fill or kill the end
because of your Hand
suspect -
I will not he whimpered with pain.
forget - forget

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Creamy Discharge Five Days Before Period

airport services, the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics

The major world sporting events motivate discussions on various topics but especially on airport services.

Both allies of President Lula, as the opposition are convinced that urgent and necessary is a new model for raising the quality standard of these services and, more importantly, how that improvement will be financed.

There are proposals for all ideological hues. Even among allies of the president is an ongoing process of building consensus, seeking a definition that can not pass this year. Although her results are operationalized only in 2011.

We have three main lines of intervention proposals this question:

• The model continues as is, with Infraero acting as airport authority and as manager of the 67 airports, 80 units of support to the air terminal and 33 logistics load. In this model the financing are made through budgetary resources and the main source of revenue are fees charged to airport users

• IPO Infraero, which would become a sort of Petrobras, and assumption that the private contribution resources in the state's shareholding structure will ensure the necessary investments to maintain, expand capacity, increase service quality, as well as building new airports, supporting units to shipping and cargo logistics terminals.

• The Ministry of Defense and the FAA conduct bidding for operation of some or all airports by the private sector. It becomes more than the airport authority operator and builder, by moving these tasks to companies via contracts of 25 years, which will ensure quality standards, rates and all the necessary investment.

The big question being discussed is how to finance the improvements, capacity expansions (cargo, passengers and aircraft) and maintaining quality in the coming years.

seems to us that the concession model is for the private operation that offers the best benefit for users, and especially to the taxpayers. In this model, we propose as the best alternative, who is financing the necessary investments (in time and not late) is the user's airport system: passengers, producers, shippers, exporters and importers.

This model is not incumbent on the taxpayer and the resources from it can be applied to social programs or other investments that benefit everyone and not just a small portion of the population.

There are several possibilities for modeling but we think it would be interesting to further discuss a model with the following assumptions:

concessions could be auctioned for operation by the initiative in ten private lots, with six to seven airports in each. Each of these lots would have a major airport and five or six small and medium passenger and cargo traffic.

The distribution would be for various regions, without geographic concentration. For example: Galeao Airport, Vitoria, Salvador, João Pessoa, Macapá and Belém. Therefore, all lots would be attractive generation of revenues would fund the largest drive-peak.

The winning bidder would be the largest value that offers grants - which would for Infraero - the highest award procedures or best technique combined with grants, pondering whether these two aspects of each bidder.

Companies bidders could submit for the competition individually or in joint venture foreign company may participate as long as guaranteeing the control of the consortium by a Brazilian company, considering the strategic aspects of national security and that is characteristic of commercial and military aviation.

Finally, I think it would be important to ensure that only qualified for the bidding firms with extensive experience logistics and passenger loads.

There are other aspects that could be discussed but I think that was pointed out here is the basis for a broader discussion of the new financing model for Brazilian airport system.

José Augusto Valente is Technical Director T1

(This article was originally published in Blog Zé Dirceu )

Monday, October 4, 2010

1979 Holiday Rambler V

The pamphlet from The Globe pro-Sierra (3/10/10)

The main raw Globe yesterday (3 / 10) is a pamphlet pro-Sierra, which shows to what extent was the Brazilian press in supporting the candidacy of the opposition candidate to Lula, Dilma.

Three fallacies that try to substantiate the idea that there is approval of the Lula government is just marketing electoral

1. The Lula government was wrong in education

The Constitution assigns to state and municipal primary education, which is criticized in the matter, allowing the Union to transfer of resources, technical schools and universities. In its constitutional powers, the federal government "gave a bath" and instead referred the matter of (not discussed education) in his television Dilma these achievements had been exhausted. If there are problems (and is) in elementary schools is the responsibility of local governments and state governments and not the Union Unless we solve the Globe lead a movement to change the constitution and pass the elementary school for the Union

2. The Lula government was badly in sanitation

The Constitution assigns to municipalities and states the responsibility for water, sewer, trash and macro-management of water resources. In the Union shall provide resources, via Federal Savings Bank to finance the projects of municipalities and state governments. Also at that point the federal government "gave a bath" in relation to the government of Fernando Henrique, for example, as it can. The Federal Government can not replace the local governments and state governments in developing these projects. But he made a great effort to force the local governments to make good projects, via box. Again, it seems that The Globe will want to lead a movement to change the constitution and pass those powers to the Union While this does not occur is lightly assign responsibility to the federal government. Incidentally, something that The Globe has not done during the eight years of Cardoso.

3. The Lula government was wrong in transport infrastructure

I have written numerous articles with data showing that this is a fallacy and that can not hold for a basic argument: the economy could not grow as much as grown , cargo handling in ports could not break records upon records to be full of logistical infrastructure bottlenecks, as they say repeatedly and falsely. One thing to say that any logistics infrastructure that is always better to withstand high growth rates. Another thing is to lie by saying that the roads are rubbish, that the ports are precarious, that the railroads are a delay and that the airports are on the verge of a blackout.

Note that eight years ago are on the verge of a blackout. That, of course, never arrives for the simple reason that we are not on the verge of a blackout thing no. Even in relation to the road as mentioned research of CNT, already exhausted the subject by showing that it shows a positive and fully consistent with the high rates of economic growth in Brazil.

José Augusto Valente is Technical Director T1