Monday, October 4, 2010

1979 Holiday Rambler V

The pamphlet from The Globe pro-Sierra (3/10/10)

The main raw Globe yesterday (3 / 10) is a pamphlet pro-Sierra, which shows to what extent was the Brazilian press in supporting the candidacy of the opposition candidate to Lula, Dilma.

Three fallacies that try to substantiate the idea that there is approval of the Lula government is just marketing electoral

1. The Lula government was wrong in education

The Constitution assigns to state and municipal primary education, which is criticized in the matter, allowing the Union to transfer of resources, technical schools and universities. In its constitutional powers, the federal government "gave a bath" and instead referred the matter of (not discussed education) in his television Dilma these achievements had been exhausted. If there are problems (and is) in elementary schools is the responsibility of local governments and state governments and not the Union Unless we solve the Globe lead a movement to change the constitution and pass the elementary school for the Union

2. The Lula government was badly in sanitation

The Constitution assigns to municipalities and states the responsibility for water, sewer, trash and macro-management of water resources. In the Union shall provide resources, via Federal Savings Bank to finance the projects of municipalities and state governments. Also at that point the federal government "gave a bath" in relation to the government of Fernando Henrique, for example, as it can. The Federal Government can not replace the local governments and state governments in developing these projects. But he made a great effort to force the local governments to make good projects, via box. Again, it seems that The Globe will want to lead a movement to change the constitution and pass those powers to the Union While this does not occur is lightly assign responsibility to the federal government. Incidentally, something that The Globe has not done during the eight years of Cardoso.

3. The Lula government was wrong in transport infrastructure

I have written numerous articles with data showing that this is a fallacy and that can not hold for a basic argument: the economy could not grow as much as grown , cargo handling in ports could not break records upon records to be full of logistical infrastructure bottlenecks, as they say repeatedly and falsely. One thing to say that any logistics infrastructure that is always better to withstand high growth rates. Another thing is to lie by saying that the roads are rubbish, that the ports are precarious, that the railroads are a delay and that the airports are on the verge of a blackout.

Note that eight years ago are on the verge of a blackout. That, of course, never arrives for the simple reason that we are not on the verge of a blackout thing no. Even in relation to the road as mentioned research of CNT, already exhausted the subject by showing that it shows a positive and fully consistent with the high rates of economic growth in Brazil.

José Augusto Valente is Technical Director T1


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