Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Does Platos Closet Take New Balance

day they've got the parcel in the city

For a moment I felt in Wroclaw well and I felt like a hero Hornby, who first earned his living writing a column venom gaping "the angriest man in the UK", then suddenly stopped to write Noting ... " but I'm not angry any more! "

For July in Wroclaw is surprisingly friendly metropolitan singles gostujacym in events of cultural, I do not like Wroclaw Non Stop , the Brave and the dance of masculine beauty broadens your horizons , a niche Japanese cinema festival no longer speaking. What's more, you can reach almost everywhere by bicycle, and even reasonable prices for single tickets rejoice pocket.

I wanted to ticket me and we started. Because I need to purchase a ticket, but it was not easy, as he works daily to Aug. 18 : 00
who worked as a single, has therefore become a fan of Internet service. I already rejoiced that circumvented the system and found a niche, which allows me to meet my diverse and changing needs through purchases on the network, when it turned out that they condemn me at the mercy of the Polish Post.


What distinguishes these postmen from Still farther north than from Polish postmen? It is not about the bike-friendly French accent or appearance. It is all about is that one can see them!

Polish postman delivers the parcel part of the registered working population from 8:00 to 16:00, while is probably a daily basis again surprised that he finds no interest in the home. And who has not yet internalized that really lives in his office and to whom it happens by mistake enter in some form as an address a place where holds pajamas, this inevitably will have to personally receive the parcel in the mail.

About 7:50 in the morning of August klebil mail clients already crowd, urban singles and pensioners in particular. About 8:00 in the queue were already 10 people (!), Then it turned out that the first person was supported fifteen minutes, "because I just learning out tonight!" As he justified the beaming worker. I booked myself an appointment an hour today in the mail, and even so I missed work. How do I pass a huff, I'll tell you what products outside of socks for children, protective aprons bronze and cigarettes wrapped rubber band can be purchased at the postal window Gubinskiej and why. For now, I'm glad that I have my ticket for Manu Chao.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Truffles Upset Stomach

rental bicycle

understand that they think that reading is the domain of students and pensioners. I understand that began with the summer and who can, leaves town, and not on Rhodes, then although the haymaking, where he was mainly Slavic firing his pink skin, and not intellectual podrygami. I understand it all. Not escaped my mind even though for now Wroclaw launched a real pickle festival season and is offered massive outdoor entertainment pretty decent.
Yet I can not comprehend why the Mediatheque has changed in their holiday hours into those that are totally inaccessible for someone who works full time rental, even in the center city.

Apparently I have to live with the fact that over the next three months will not be a single term (!), In which I could benefit from intelektualnehj straw in the dimension provided by public libraries. A pity. Festung Breslau teaches humility.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Long Island Pick Up Spots


As generally known in European cities is the bicycle not only means of transport, but a trendy gadget serving to keep the big lansiku. Depending on the climate of the metropolis lansik can present itself like this:

or so

Wroclaw is, however, in this respect a specific climate. For unknown reasons, urban bicycle lansik here is not subject to, and his clumsy attempts to undertake are my head knocked the loud comments like: "What do you with this bag on the bike, let se buy your backpack!" (Original)
In Wroclaw, perhaps due to a well-developed network of roads subject to a turn type lansu who okreslilabym as motocross. Today on the way to work wyminelo me three men, wearing nothing less than more, only this:

But surely could have been worse. One of these lords morning he could surely accomplish bad choice and present themselves in such a costume here ...

either, and such ....

admit I suffered a little. Just for today.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Fluttery Feeling In Left Abdomen

Wroclaw suicide

Wroclawskie bicycle paths are full of potential suicides. And contrary to appearances, not mentioned here about the same bikers who road with Polish culture consciously chosen by means of transport, even softer than rickety polonaise. The reference is to the whole of the scourge of suicide somnambulikow who risk their lives in a trivial way, and how easy: going to the bike path with eyes closed.

Bike Going to work every move passing:
- grandmothers squinting from the sun in the middle of the driveway to the bike, possibly, the same grandmother bending torques to improve your little dog, and in this way rapidly sets at me base part of the body (at the the middle ..)
- zaczytane students with their noses in stosiku photocopying reaching in this way the universities, sometimes even over the railroad tracks (sic)
- Children playing in the tag and joyfully hurrying from knee
- August reeling lords, whom bending legs have carried themselves in the direction of bicycle paths, and sometimes also refusing to obey, thus forcing the short squat and even nap
- Romantically disposed pair of hand reaching for the full width of the sidewalk, from which half is for the bicycle path
and so on.

I am fascinated by self-destructive aspects of human nature, but it hangs in the air disaster.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Quotes For Goddaughter

single metropolitan

dear, come back.
Had a few months ago some kind foretold to me that more than sunbathing in Rio submit Wroclaw stoppers, podejrzewalabym him of having a stroke. And if the same man had said coming soon I work in a corporation, I would be sure that my wishes very badly. And yet, it happened. Podgorska packed a bag, flew the Atlantic, defended himself and started to do a career, with all the forces trying to lead the life of the big single ... in Wroclaw;)

sake of explanation I might add that my friend defended the sociology of work on "the metropolis of Wroclaw, for which he was awarded the Prize of the Director of the Institute. (Nice, huh?:) I'm absolutely fascinated by the fact that he managed to put the words of Wroclaw and the city in one sentence and get out of this with honor, but after the first author I know personally and firmly respect for his intellectual powers, and secondly, He lived there for the past 6 years, and so surely he knows about Wroclaw more than someone who was freshly broke off in August of the Amazon jungle. And besides, in the light of theory X, Y is the theory ...

Anyway, dear, I welcome you again and invite you to read about my big city life.